
The City of Edmonton Fire Rescue Services (EFRS) Training Centre is located in the Poundmaker Industrial Subdivision in west Edmonton. The 14-hectare site accommodates a variety of specialized training facilities. The long-term intent is to consolidate Training and Logistics facilities to accommodate new training programs and support functions including transfer of the existing Training Academy on 157th Street. The Master Plan is to provide a framework for deploying physical assets effectively, safely, efficiently and in a timely manner in response to training and logistics priorities.


Our 10-month study involved 8 steps that progressed from an examination of current resources to clarification of future training program and demand assumptions. Several site visits provided useful information regarding the specialized facilities. Interviews and work sessions provided opportunities for staff and management to explain issues and explore innovative solutions.


Functional facility programs were generated for both the training site and the Training Academy. Several Development Options for the Training Site were examined and discussed prior to generating the Final Master Plan. Three Site Development Configurations were examined and costed. The relative merits of each were reviewed from the viewpoint of Layout Constraints, Growth Capacity, Development Cost, Functionality, Adaptability, and Risk.

The Results

All three Development Options were deemed feasible.

A number of additional considerations to be examined by the City were identified to help select the preferred concept that would be used to undertake a Business case.

The next stage of planning and design was scheduled to proceed after Council approval of the Business Case.

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