
The District of West Vancouver is proud to identify their Arts and Culture offerings and programming as one of their fundamental strengths. To ensure that West Vancouver continues to offer quality Arts and Culture offerings and programming now and, in the future, the district engaged Cornerstone Planning Group to prepare an Arts and Culture Facilities Plan and subsequent Site Selection Study. The Facilities Plan identified how Arts and Culture is currently delivered in the community (District-owned facilities and external organizations), how service delivery will change into the future, and how facilities and sites should evolve to support the expected changes.


The approach Cornerstone used to fulfill the District’s goals and objectives included: a utilizations analysis, functional facility review and analysis, public, staff, leadership and volunteer engagement, functional program, gap analysis, facility development option analysis, stakeholder workshops, site identification analysis, and multiple presentations to Council. The entirety of the studies were overseen by a public committee.


The outcomes of the Facilities Study included the identification of four facilities that are currently unable to support current and future programming and two development scenarios that address the community shortfalls. Scenarios underwent a comprehensive comparison analysis.

The outcomes of the Site Selection Study included the identification and recommendation of two District-owned sites that are suitable for development of an Arts and Culture Centre.

The Results

The final deliverable for each study was presented to Council and the public. Both studies were unanimously approved and the project is moving ahead with detailed planning.

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