Beginning in 2012, the Yukon Government initiated a series of reviews of government-owned and leased facilities in communities across the Territory. Cornerstone was retained to develop a functional review and development in 12 different communities under four separate contracts. Cornerstone examined the current Yukon Government functions and assessed the potential for change in either volume or scope of services, for a range of facilities including: health centres, fire halls, airports, schools, maintenance stations, and community buildings.
Each location faced a unique situation as service and demand is changing variably in these communities. Cornerstone tailored each community’s facility strategy to the particular context and condition in each location and included expansion, renovation and consolidation options. All of the facilities analyzed by Cornerstone involved an in-depth analysis of spaces and function, future demand and service changes, and likely space requirements over the next 20 years.
Cornerstone began by analyzing each community’s projected population, history, community identity, and service demand, determining service impact factors over the planning horizon. The team confirmed a set of planning rules to create a baseline approach for each community and provide consistency and transparency in strategic approach. Cornerstone determined future space requirements by service and considered physical infrastructure condition and political priorities to develop three asset portfolio options per town: Minimum Action Plan, Multi-Site Consolidation, and Maximum Consolidation.
The Results
Cornerstone created 20-year asset investment plans including project timelines for all the government-owned facilities in the 12 communities. Redevelopment projects were priorities according to functional and physical condition. The team also developed standards across communities and identified operational and capital efficiencies to support Yukon Government in its operations.