Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance and Cornerstone worked together to develop a Multi-Year Strategic Planning framework, Strategic Business Plan, and Economic Opportunities Strategy 

Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance and Cornerstone

Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance (LFFA) is a non-profit alliance representing the 25 Indigenous communities along the Lower Fraser River, from Tsawwassen to Hope, working collectively to advance Indigenous management of fishing and fish ecology throughout the region.

Since 2010, Cornerstone has supported the LFFA in the development, update, and implementation of comprehensive Strategic Planning and operational work planning.

Biologists collecting data and checking collection cages
Data collection using a drone on the Lower Fraser River


Cornerstone designed and facilitated multiple planning sessions with the LFFA’s Executive Committee and community representatives, community members, and partners. We conducted direct interviews with members, staff, and other professionals, online and phone surveys, and research into best practices and models from around the world.


The LFFA’s strategic framework was completed in 2011 and is being implemented. In 2015, Cornerstone led the development of the LFFA’s Strategic Business Strategy, focusing on collaboration across the partner Nations, identification and action on economic development opportunities, research and science, and financial stability and sustainability.

As part of the implementation of the Strategic Plan, the LFFA developed a Business Opportunities strategy to maximize benefits from the commercial fishery and is working through Cornerstone Planning to review and renew the five-year strategic and business plan.

Biologist measuring the length of a fish in the Lower Fraser River

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